Our Journey at Cawston Press
Photo of Steve, Managing Director at Cawston Press, sitting in front of the JEDI MATTERS logo.
Cawston Press – JEDI Lead: Steve Kearns, Managing Director
What do you do? Great tasting drinks made with pressed juice and real ingredients. Serving up naturally good moments of joy every day.
Why is JEDI a focus for your organisation? It may be a bit of a cliché, but a core value of Cawston Press is ‘Win Together’. People are at the centre of what we do. We believe that by embracing and enhancing a JEDI focus we will only expand the opportunity for people and therefore the business to thrive. Creating an even better place to work and ultimately contributing more to our overall success.
Why has your organisation chosen to become a Founding Member of JEDI MATTERS? Whilst developing the Cawston Press sustainability strategy ‘Pressing for Better’ and living a core value of ‘Do Right’, we were determined to create a roadmap to further improve what we do for both people and planet. On the journey we have constantly hit brick walls. All the case studies, best practice or even simple examples seem to be from and therefore geared towards larger organisations with significant resources, access to expertise and vast numbers of people. Which are not appropriate for us. For many of the areas that we covered we are reliant on others to make a positive impact. Where we continue to lobby and push to improve our position. When it comes to people and areas such as diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, we know we can do more directly. We feel that by combining our efforts with like-minded businesses in a similar position, to pool talent, ideas, resources and effectively join forces we can have an even greater and farther reaching impact. Providing us with something akin to what our larger counterparts/competitors have and to carve out a new approach for SMEs. Generating some inspiring cases studies of our own.
What do you hope to achieve from JEDI MATTERS? Another core Cawston Press value is ‘Aim High’. We want to create a movement, a force for good that inspires others to join or to follow. A group of activists who can help shape a better future or approach for our teams, others close within our networks and beyond. Creating some practical tools, techniques, approaches, guidance, for ourselves and others to use and build upon.
A video of Steve Kearns introducing why Cawston Press is taking part in the JEDI MATTERS Collective.